Alt Difference 850m
Lenght 3.6 kilometers
Time 2 hours and 45minutes
From the refuge, after crossing the last forest section of the route, we hike a steep slope, called Anathema. After a while we reach the Gouves plateau. We cross the field and reach the north side of a Gouves, where the path makes a maneuver, and leaving the "Gouves" plateu on the left, it heads towards the first zone of rocks. Continuing with maneuvers between the rocks, we reach the place "Plakes", a large uphill ramp, which we follow until the opening of the ridge, the "Doors".From here we continue on the western side of the ridge to our left and after passing the chasm "Snow hole" following a more uphill path we reach the summit plateau, where there is the temple of Prophet Ilias and a group of stone huts around it. (altitude 2,407m)